Elzbieta Klima

I created a collage with images of bodies of water representative of my childhood, covered in doodles to demonstrate the symbolism I find within water. The focal point of the piece is a doodle of myself, nude, colored in various shades of blue, showing how I am made up of water; “THIS BODY IS WATER; THIS BODY/THIS WATER MADE ME”. To me, this phrase shows that I have been made by water and that I am the water making myself. The bottom right corner also shows two small estradiol pills and the chemical composition of estrogen to further add to this idea (I take my hormones with water every morning, the hormones affect the water and fat in my body, making me, me).

This was a fun exercise to participate in because I love getting the chance to cut and paste and reinvent images to tell a story. I loved the focus on water in its many forms and how it has made us. I took the route of talking about the water in my body and how it has changed and reinvented me, the same way I changed and reinvented these images to make a new product.