Abby Newton

My piece of mail art is a collage using magazine clippings of images, colors, and textures. With images of bottled seltzer water and family members playing in a pool, this is an examination of water in a more commercialized context.

When prompted to investigate water as it impacts my life, I began to think of the everyday moments in which I encounter water. Brushing my teeth, filling a filtering pitcher, showering, cooking, etc. All of these events are so ingrained in my routine that I often forget to acknowledge the privilege of having constant access to clean water. For many people around the world and within America, clean water is not a given. Essentially all of my interactions with water are so far removed from its original state in nature, and therefore far removed from the devastating impacts of man-made pollution and climate change. The images I selected for my collage are representative of these disconnected interactions; bottled seltzers, a recreational pool, and a close up of clear blue water. Looking at these images in the context of this project allows me, and hopefully other viewers, to be more cognizant of our relationship to water.