A collage against a white background. Counter-clockwise from the bottom right. Spiderman stands with a huge wig hovering above his head. A young girl with pigtails and a pink sweater is seen from the back. A mans headshot; he is bearded and wears a tall, pointy green hat. A chimp wears a grass hat. A horse wears a dried grass hat. A wolf looks out of a crystal ball. There are images of antique medicine bottles strewn around the image. There is text that says: revolution is hair; greener hair ahead; give hair; spiderman’s tangled web. The entire collage is covered in dots of paint that are yellow, brown, black.

Michael Dale Stokes

“Hair/Hare” — This collage pulls together focus stories from National Geographic and Time Magazine in 2023. Playing with the quote “the revolution is here,” the collage questions the hare-like race to the Green Revolution, and what the place of so many hairy heroes may be in the future.